Log I/O
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Petroware.LogIo.Las Namespace Reference


interface  ILasDataListener
 Provides a mechanism for the client to monitor and process data during the LAS read operation, and also to abort the process if requested by the user or for other reasons. More...
class  LasCommentRecord
 Model a LAS comment record. More...
class  LasCurve
 Model a log curve of a LAS file. More...
class  LasFile
 Class for representing the content of one logical LAS file. More...
class  LasFileReader
 Class for reading LAS files. More...
class  LasFileWriter
 Class for writing LAS files to disk. More...
class  LasMessage
 A LAS message indicates warning or errors during the LAS file read process or problems/inconsistencies with the read content. More...
class  LasParameterRecord
 Class representing a LAS parameter record. More...
class  LasRecord
 Common base class for all types of LAS records. More...
class  LasSection
 Class representing a LAS section in terms of its title and its containing records. More...
class  LasUtil
 Convenience methods for extracting information from LAS files. More...
class  LasValidator
 Class for validating the content of a LAS file. More...
class  LasVersion
 Class representing the possible versions of the LAS standard. More...


 foreach (LasSection dataSection in newDataSections)
***reader. ReadData (lasFiles)
existingLasFile. ReplaceDataSections (newDataSections)


*< summary > *Read the disk file and return the associated LasFile instances.*</summary > **< param name="shouldReadCurveData"> *True to indicates that curve data should be read.*Otherwise curves will be created
 lasFiles = reader.Read(false)
IList< LasSectionnewDataSections = newLasFile.GetDataSections()
LasFile newLasFile = newLasFiles[i]
*< summary > *Read data from a set of LAS files where the meta data has *already been read.This will preserve the existing LasFile *structure in case a LAS file is read in two operations
*< summary > *Read the disk file and return the associated LasFile instances.*</summary > **< param name="shouldReadCurveData"> *True to indicates that curve data should be read.*Otherwise curves will be but not populated.*.True if not used.*</param > *< param name="shouldCaptureStatistics"> *True to capture statistics per curve.*Statistics capture will reduce read performance slightly
*</pre > **There is nothing to gain in performance with this[i]