Log I/O
No Matches
Package List
Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):
[detail level 12345]
 CBitCurveModel a curve of a BIT log file
 CBitFileClass representing the content of one BIT (sub-) file
 CBitFileReaderClass for reading BIT log files
 CBitFileWriterClass for writing BIT files to disk
 CBitGeneralHeadingRecordModel the general heading record of a logical BIT file
 CStatisticsClass for computing running statistics on a data stream
 CDlisComponentModel one DLIS EFLR component as described in RP66 V1 Section 3.2
 CDlisCurveModel a log curve of a DLIS file
 CDlisEncryptedRecordModel the content of a DLIS encrypted record
 CDlisFileClass representing the content of one DLIS (sub-) file
 CDlisFileHeaderClass representing a DLIS file header, a "Storage Unit Label" (SUL)
 CDlisFileReaderClass for reading DLIS files
 CDlisFileWriterClass for writing DLIS files to disk
 CDlisFrameClass representing a DLIS file frame in terms of its ID and the curves defined in that frame
 CDlisRepresentationCodeClass representing all possible DLIS representation codes
 CDlisSetClass for modeling a DLIS set
 CDlisTypeCapture the different atomic types that DLIS defines, representing entities like float, double, int, long, string etc
 CDlisUtilA collection of convenience methods to access common meta-data from DLIS files
 CIDlisDataListenerProvides a mechanism for the client to monitor and process data during the DLIS read operation, and also to abort the process in case that is requested by the user or for other reasons
 CILasDataListenerProvides a mechanism for the client to monitor and process data during the LAS read operation, and also to abort the process if requested by the user or for other reasons
 CLasCommentRecordModel a LAS comment record
 CLasCurveModel a log curve of a LAS file
 CLasFileClass for representing the content of one logical LAS file
 CLasFileReaderClass for reading LAS files
 CLasFileWriterClass for writing LAS files to disk
 CLasMessageA LAS message indicates warning or errors during the LAS file read process or problems/inconsistencies with the read content
 CLasParameterRecordClass representing a LAS parameter record
 CLasRecordCommon base class for all types of LAS records
 CLasSectionClass representing a LAS section in terms of its title and its containing records
 CLasUtilConvenience methods for extracting information from LAS files
 CLasValidatorClass for validating the content of a LAS file
 CLasVersionClass representing the possible versions of the LAS standard
 CILisDataListenerProvides a mechanism for the client to monitor and process data during the LIS read operation, and also to abort the process in case that is requested by the user or for other reasons
 CLisAlternateDataRecordClass representing a LIS alternate data record
 CLisBlankRecordClass representing a LIS blank record
 CLisBootstrapLoaderRecordClass representing a LIS bootstrap loader record
 CLisCommentRecordClass representing a LIS comment record
 CLisComponentModel a LIS component, representing one piece of information inside a LIS file
 CLisCurveModel a log curve as it is defined by LIS
 CLisDataFormatSpecificationRecordClass representing a LIS data format specification record (DFSR)
 CLisEncryptedTableRecordClass representing a LIS encrypted table record
 CLisFileClass representing the content of a LIS (sub-) file
 CLisFileHeaderRecordClass representing a LIS file header record ("FHLR")
 CLisFileReaderClass for reading LIS files (sometimes also referred to as TAP files)
 CLisFileTrailerRecordClass representing a LIS file trailer record
 CLisFileWriterClass for writing LIS files to disk
 CLisImageRecordClass representing a LIS image record
 CLisInformationRecordBase class for records holding information
 CLisJobIdentificationRecordClass representing a LIS job identification record
 CLisKernelLoaderBootRecordClass representing a LIS CP-kernel loader boot record
 CLisLogicalBotRecordClass representing a LIS logical BOT record
 CLisLogicalEofRecordClass representing a LIS logical EOF record
 CLisLogicalEomRecordClass representing a LIS logical EOM record
 CLisLogicalEotRecordClass representing a LIS logical EOT record
 CLisOperatorCommandInputsRecordClass representing a LIS operator command inputs record
 CLisOperatorResponseInputsRecordClass representing a LIS operator response inputs record
 CLisPictureRecordClass representing a LIS picture record
 CLisProgramOverlayHeaderRecordClass representing a LIS program overlay header record
 CLisProgramOverlayLoadRecordClass representing a LIS program overlay load record
 CLisRecordCommon base class for all LIS record types
 CLisReelHeaderRecordClass representing a LIS reel header
 CLisReelTrailerRecordClass representing a LIS reel trailer record
 CLisRepresentationCodeClass representing all possible LIS representation codes
 CLisSoftwareBootRecordClass representing a LIS TU10 software boot record
 CLisSystemOutputsToOperatorRecordClass representing a LIS system outputs to operator record
 CLisTableDumpRecordClass representing a LIS table dump
 CLisTapeHeaderRecordClass representing a LIS tape header record ("TTLR")
 CLisTapeTrailerRecordClass representing a LIS tape trailer record
 CLisToolStringInfoRecordClass representing a LIS tool string info record
 CLisUtilConvenience class for extracting information from LIS files
 CLisWellSiteDataRecordClass representing a LIS well site data record