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SegyFile - Class in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
Abstract representation of the content of a SEG Y seismic file.
SegyFile(String, SegyTapeLabel, List<SegyTextHeader>, SegyFileHeader, List<SegyTrace>, double, double) - Constructor for class no.petroware.seismicio.segy.SegyFile
Create a new SEG Y file instance.
SegyFileFormat - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
Capture the possible SEG-Y file formats.
SegyFileHeader - Class in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
Model the content of the 240 byte SEG Y binary file header.
SegyFileHeader.AmplitudeRecoveryType - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyFileHeader.DataFormat - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
Enumeration of the possible trace value data formats.
SegyFileHeader.ImpulseSignalPolarity - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyFileHeader.LengthUnit - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyFileHeader.Sorting - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyFileHeader.SweepTaperType - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyFileHeader.SweepType - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyFileHeader.VibratoryPolarity - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyFileReader - Class in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
Class for reading SEG Y seismic files.
SegyFileReader(File) - Constructor for class no.petroware.seismicio.segy.SegyFileReader
Create a SEG Y file reader for the specified disk file.
SegyFileWriter - Class in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
A writer for SEG Y files.
SegyFileWriter(File) - Constructor for class no.petroware.seismicio.segy.SegyFileWriter
Create a SEGY writer for the specified file instance.
SegyTapeLabel - Class in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
Model the optional Tape Label that may appear at the very beginning of a SEG Y tape, see SEG Y rev2 reference Appendix B.
SegyTapeLabel(int, String, String, String, int, String, Date, String, String) - Constructor for class no.petroware.seismicio.segy.SegyTapeLabel
Create a new SEG Y tabe label instance.
SegyTextHeader - Class in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
Model the content of the 3200-byte free-form text header of a SEG Y file.
SegyTextHeader(String) - Constructor for class no.petroware.seismicio.segy.SegyTextHeader
Create a text header with the specified content.
SegyTrace - Class in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
Model a SEG-Y trace in terms of its header and data content.
SegyTrace(SegyTraceHeader, Class<?>, Object[]) - Constructor for class no.petroware.seismicio.segy.SegyTrace
Create a new SEG-Y trace.
SegyTraceHeader - Class in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
Model a SEG Y trace header.
SegyTraceHeader(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, SegyTraceHeader.TraceType, int, int, SegyTraceHeader.DataUsage, int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, SegyTraceHeader.CoordinateUnit, int, int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, int, int, SegyTraceHeader.GainType, int, int, boolean, int, int, int, SegyFileHeader.SweepType, int, int, SegyFileHeader.SweepTaperType, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, SegyTraceHeader.TimeType, int, int, int, int, int, SegyTraceHeader.Overtravel, double, double, int, int, double, SegyTraceHeader.TraceValueUnit, double, SegyTraceHeader.TraceValueUnit, int, SegyTraceHeader.SourceType, double[], double, SegyTraceHeader.SourceUnit) - Constructor for class no.petroware.seismicio.segy.SegyTraceHeader
SegyTraceHeader.CoordinateUnit - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyTraceHeader.DataUsage - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyTraceHeader.GainType - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyTraceHeader.Overtravel - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyTraceHeader.SourceType - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyTraceHeader.SourceUnit - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyTraceHeader.TimeType - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyTraceHeader.TraceType - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyTraceHeader.TraceValueUnit - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
SegyVersion - Enum in no.petroware.seismicio.segy
setText(String) - Method in class no.petroware.seismicio.segy.SegyTextHeader
Set text of this header.
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