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XtfCurve - Class in no.petroware.logio.xtf
Model a log curve of a XTF survey file.
XtfCurveHeader - Class in no.petroware.logio.xtf
Class representing an XTF file curve header.
XtfFile - Class in no.petroware.logio.xtf
Class representing the content of an XTF file in terms of its file header, well header, well variables, zone definitions, service headers and curves.
XtfFileHeader - Class in no.petroware.logio.xtf
Class representing the content of an XTF file header record.
XtfFileReader - Class in no.petroware.logio.xtf
Class for reading XTF survey files.
XtfFileReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFileReader
Create a XTF file reader for the specified stream.
XtfFileReader(File) - Constructor for class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFileReader
Create a XTF file reader for the specified disk file.
XtfServiceHeader - Class in no.petroware.logio.xtf
Class representing the XTF Service header data type.
XtfWellHeader - Class in no.petroware.logio.xtf
Class representing the content of an XTF well header record.
XtfWellVariables - Class in no.petroware.logio.xtf
Model one instance of the XTF wellvar data type.
XtfZones - Class in no.petroware.logio.xtf
Class representing the XTF Namezone data type.
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