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get(int) - Static method in enum no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Entry.Type
Get entry type by ID.
get(int) - Static method in enum no.petroware.logio.lis.LisRecord.Type
Find type based on specified ID.
get(Class<?>) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisRepresentationCode
Return representation code for the corresponding data type.
get(String) - Static method in enum no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTableDumpRecord.Type
Return type based on specified string tag.
get(String) - Static method in enum no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogVersion
Return OSDU Well Log version enumeration value for the specified string.
getAbovePermanentDatum(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the "above permanent datum" of the specified DLIS file.
getAcousticUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return unit for acoustic measurements.
getActivity() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the activity of this OSDU well log.
getActivityType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the activity type of this OSDU well log.
getActualBottomHoleBearing() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get actual bottom hole location.
getActualBottomHoleOffset() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get actual bottom hole location.
getActualEndIndex() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return the actual end index of this log.
getActualStartIndex() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return the actual start index of this log.
getActualStep() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return the actual step of the index curve of this log.
getAifAquisitionRevisionNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFileHeader
Return the AIF acquisition revision number of the XTF file.
getAifCurveName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return AIF's curve name of this header.
getAngleUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get angle unit of this survey.
getApiCodes() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return API codes of this datum.
getApiCurveClass() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return API curve class of this datum.
getApiCurveType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return API curve type of this datum.
getApiLogType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return API log type of this datum.
getApiModifier() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return API modifier of this datum.
getAsDouble() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType
Return the value of this instance as a double.
getAsInteger() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType
Return the value of this instance as an integer.
getAssociation() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasSection
Return name of the associated section of this section.
getAsString() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType
Return a string representation of this instance.
getAttributes() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisSet
Return the attributes of this set.
getAttributes() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonTable
Return the attributes (i.e. columns) of this table.
getAttributes() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisRecord
Return attributes of this record.
getAverageValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return curve average value.
getAxisName(int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return name of the specified axis.
getBase() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTestInterval
Get base depth of this well test interval.
getBaseDepth() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return base depth of this curve.
getBearingRepresentation() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get bearing representation of this survey.
getBhaRunNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return BHA run number of this WITSML log.
getBitSize(AscFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscUtil
Return bit size from the specified ASC file.
getBitSize(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return bit size of the specified DLIS file.
getBitSize(LasFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasUtil
Return bit size of the specified LAS file.
getBitSize(LisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisUtil
Return bit size of the specified LIS file.
getBitSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return bit size.
getBootProgram() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisSoftwareBootRecord
Return the boot program.
getBoreholeFluid() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return borehole fluid.
getBottom() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Return depth for bottom of core.
getBottom() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCoreInterval
Return bottom depth of core interval.
getBottom() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Return depth for bottom of plug interval.
getBottomDepth() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return bottom depth of curve.
getBottomHoleDepth() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get bottom-hole location, depth.
getBottomHoleEasting() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get bottom-hole location, easting.
getBottomHoleNorthing() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get bottom-hole location, northing.
getBottomHoleTemperature() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return bottom hole temperature.
getBottomHoleTvd_() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get bottom-hole location, true vertical depth.
getBottomInterval() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Return depth for bottom of cored interval.
getBottomMd() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the bottom MD of this OSDU well log.
getBusinessValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return business value of this curve.
getButtonX() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return the X location of the button on its pad.
getButtonY() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return the Y location of the button on its pad.
getByKey(String) - Static method in enum no.petroware.logio.json.JsonWellLogProperty
Get property for the specified key.
getCaliperUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return unit for caliper measurements.
getCasingDrillerBottomDepth() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return bottom depth of casing (driller).
getCasingLoggerBottomDepth() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return bottom depth of casing (logger).
getCasingSizeluid() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return casing sizeluid.
getCategory() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisComponent
Return component category.
getCbilOrientation() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return CBIL orientation in degrees.
getCentralMeridian() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellSurvey
Get central meridian.
getChargeType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTestInterval
Get charge type of this well test interval.
getChargeWeight() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTestInterval
Get charge weight of this well test interval.
getCleaningMethod() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Return cleaning method of this plug.
getCode() - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaNoValue
Return the code for this no-value entry-
getColumnName(int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisInformationRecord
Return the name of the specified column.
getColumnNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonValidator.Message
Return stream column number of this message.
getColumnSeparator() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscFile
Return the column separator for this ASCII file.
getComment() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisCommentRecord
Return the comment of this record.
getComments() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelHeaderRecord
Return comments.
getComments() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelTrailerRecord
Return comments.
getComments() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeHeaderRecord
Return comments.
getComments() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeTrailerRecord
Return comments.
getComments() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return comments.
getCompany(AscFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscUtil
Return operator company from the specified ASC file.
getCompany(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the company of the specified DLIS file.
getCompany(LasFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasUtil
Return company name of the specified LAS file.
getCompany(LisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisUtil
Return company of the specified LIS file.
getCompany() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the company of this OSDU well log.
getCompany() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the company name of this well header.
getCompanyName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return name of the company for which the log was run.
getCompletionDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Return well test completion date.
getComponent(int, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisInformationRecord
Return the component of from the specified column in the given row.
getComponentAt(int, int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisInformationRecord
Return component at the specified index.
getComponents() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisInformationRecord
Return the components of this record.
getControllerCodes() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisKernelLoaderBootRecord
Return controller codes of this kernel loader boot.
getConveyanceMethod() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the convenyance method of this OSDU well log.
getCoordinateReferenceDirection() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get coordinate reference direction of this survey.
getCopy() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.OBNAME
Return the copy member of this instance.
getCoreNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Return the core number of this core.
getCorrelogramParameterUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return correlogram parameter units of this header.
getCorrelogramWindowBegin() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return correlogram parameter, window begin.
getCorrelogramWindowLength() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return correlogram window length.
getCorrelogramWindowStep() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return correlogram parameter, window step.
getCountry(AscFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscUtil
Return country from the specified ASC file.
getCountry(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return country of the well of the specified DLIS file.
getCountry() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return country of this log.
getCountry(LasFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasUtil
Return country of the well of the specified LAS file.
getCountry(LisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisUtil
Return country of the specified LIS file.
getCountry() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Get country.
getCountry() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the country of this well header.
getCounty() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the county or parish name of this well header.
getCreateRoutine() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return creation routine name and version of this header.
getCreationDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return creation date of this WITSML log.
getCreationTime() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return creation time.
getCurrentTime() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return current time.
getCurve(int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return the specified curve from this log.
getCurve(int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the specified curve from this log.
getCurveAnnotationRecordExtent() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return first and last record or the curve annotation.
getCurveClass() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return curve class type ("DIPLOG", etc) of this header.
getCurveDefinitionRecordExtent() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return first and last record of the curve definition.
getCurveDescription(String) - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.spwla.Spwla
Get description of curve with specified ID.
getCurveHandle() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return curve handle at time of creation.
getCurveMnemonic(String) - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.spwla.Spwla
Get mnemonic of curve with specified ID.
getCurveName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return curve name of this header.
getCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscFile
Return the curves of this ASC file.
getCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitFile
Return the curves of this BIT file.
getCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFrame
Return the curves of this frame in the order of which the data is organized in the corresponding DLIS file.
getCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return the curves of this log.
getCurves(LasSection) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasFile
Return the curves of the specified data section.
getCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasFile
Return the curves of this LAS file.
getCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFile
Return the curves of this LIS file instance.
getCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the curves of this log.
getCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaLogSet
Return all the curves of this log set.
getCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return the curves of this log.
getCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFile
Return the curves of this XTF file.
getCurveType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return curve type.
getCuttingFluid() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Return cutting fluid of this plug.
getData() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisEncryptedRecord
Return the (encrypted) content of this record.
getData() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisEncryptedTableRecord
Return the encrypted data of this record.
getDataDelay() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return delay of data from sensor along primary index.
getDataFrameSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord
Get frame size.
getDataSections() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasFile
Return all the data sections of this LAS file.
getDataSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return size set a side for values of this curve per frame.
getDataSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Entry
Return size (in bytes) of this entry.
getDataSource() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCurve
Return data source of this curve.
getDataType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return data type for curve values.
getDataUri() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return URI location of the data object in case this is kept separate.
getDate(AscFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscUtil
Return date from the specified ASC file.
getDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return logging date of this log.
getDate(LasFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasUtil
Return logging date from the specified LAS file.
getDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelHeaderRecord
Return date of this record.
getDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelTrailerRecord
Return date of this record.
getDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeHeaderRecord
Return date of this record.
getDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeTrailerRecord
Return date of this record.
getDate(LisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisUtil
Return date of the specified LIS file.
getDatum(String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord
Return datum for the specified mnemonic.
getDatumInitialization() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return datum initialization variable for 4-byte data.
getDatums() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord
Return the datums of this record.
getDepth() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaGaugeData
Return depth of gauge.
getDepthDrillerMeasured() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return depth driller measured.
getDepthLoggerMeasured() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return depth logger measured.
getDepthRepresentationCode() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord
Get representation code of depth data.
getDepthUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return unit for depth measurements.
getDepthUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord
Return depth unit.
getDepthUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return depth unit of this curve.
getDepthUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get depth unit of this survey.
getDepthUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Return depth unit used in the SPWAL file.
getDepthUnits() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFileHeader
Return the depth units mnemonics associated with default WDF emulation.
getDerrickFloorElevation() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the derrick floor elevation of this well header.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscCurve
Return description of this curve.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitCurve
Return description of this curve.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return description of this curve.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonCurve
Return description of this curve.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Get description of this log.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasCurve
Return description of this curve.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasParameterRecord
Return the description of this parameter record.
getDescription() - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.las.LasVersion
Return the description of the version as it would appear in a parameter record of a LAS file.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisCurve
Return description of this curve.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return description of this curve.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCoreInterval
Return core interval description.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCurve
Return description of this curve.
getDescription() - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaNoValue
Get textual description for this no-value entry.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlCurve
Return description of this curve.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return description of this WITSML log.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurve
Return description of this curve.
getDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return primary curve comment field of this header, ie the AIF file specification comment.
getDiameter() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Get core diameter.
getDiameter() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Return diameter of plug.
getDiameterUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Return diameter unit of this core.
getDlisVersion() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFileHeader
Get DLIS version tag of the DLIS file.
getDrillingFluidDensity() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return drilling fluid density.
getDrillingFluidDensityUnits() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return drilling fluid density units.
getDrillingFluidLoss() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return drilling fluid loss.
getDrillingFluidPh_() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return drilling fluid pH.
getDrillingFluidViscosity() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return drilling fluid viscosity.
getDrillingMeasuredFrom(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the "drilling measure from" of the specified DLIS file.
getDrillingMeasurementDatum() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the drilling measurement datum ("kb", "gl" ,etc.) of this well header.
getDrillPermitNumber(AscFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscUtil
Return drill permit number from the specified ASC file.
getDryingMethod() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Return drying method of this plug.
getEccNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the ECC number of this well header.
getElectronicNumber_() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return electronic number.
getElevation() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return elevation of this log.
getElevation() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellSurvey
Get elevation.
getEncryptedRecords() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFile
Return the encrypted records of this DLIS file.
getEndDepth() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return the ending depth of the last sample in the file.
getEndIndex() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return end index of this log.
getEndTime() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the logging end time of this OSDU well log.
getEngineers() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return engineer's name.
getEntries() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord
Return the meta-data entries of this record.
getFamily() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return family of this curve.
getField() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return field name of this log.
getField() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Get field.
getField() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the field name of this well header.
getFieldDatum() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellSurvey
Get field datum.
getFieldDelimiter() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasFile
Get the data field delimiter of this LAS file.
getFieldName(AscFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscUtil
Return field name from the specified ASC file.
getFieldName(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the field name of the specified DLIS file.
getFieldName(LasFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasUtil
Return field name of the specified LAS file.
getFieldName(LisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisUtil
Return field name of the specified LIS file.
getFileExtension() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFileHeader
Return the file extension defined by the XTF file.
getFileHeader() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFile
Return the file header of this XTF file.
getFileId() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFile
Return the ID of this DLIS file as specified in the ORIGIN set of the file.
getFileName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileHeaderRecord
Return logical file name.
getFileName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileTrailerRecord
Return logical file name.
getFileName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFileHeader
Return fully expanded file name, including extension of the XTF file.
getFileNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return file number of the file.
getFileNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return file number of this datum.
getFileType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileHeaderRecord
Return file type of this record.
getFileType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileTrailerRecord
Return file type.
getFluid() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Get core fluid used.
getFluidCompositions() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Return the fluid compositions of this well test.
getFluidEntryPoint() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Get fluid entry point.
getFormatCode() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTableDumpRecord
Return format code of this record.
getFrameId() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the frame ID of this OSDU well log.
getFrames() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFile
Return the frames of this DLIS file.
getFrameSpacing() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord
Get frame spacing (step value).
getFromClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisRepresentationCode
Return representation code for the specified data type class.
getGaugeData() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Return the gauge data of this well test.
getGeneratedDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileHeaderRecord
Return generated date of this record.
getGeneratedDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileTrailerRecord
Return generation date.
getGenericToolNames(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return list of generic tool names of the specified DLIS file.
getGeologicalDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Get all geological descriptions associated with this core as one compound element.
getGeologicalDescriptions() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Get all geological descriptions associated with this plug.
getGroundToSeaLevelElevation() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the ground to sea level elevation of this well header.
getGroupIndex() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return index of curve in ordered group of curves.
getHeader() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitFile
Return header of this BIT file.
getHeader() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFile
Return the header of this file instance.
getHeader() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return the header of this log as a single JSON object.
getHeader() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurve
Return the curve header of this curve.
getHeaderIdentifier(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the header identifier (parameter "HIDE") from the specified DLIS file.
getHoleTypeLogging() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the hole type logging of this OSDU well log.
getHorizontalIndexingType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return horizontal indexing type.
getId(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the ID of the specified DLIS file, i.e.
getId() - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Entry.Type
Return ID of this entry type.
getId() - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.lis.LisRecord.Type
Return ID of this type.
getId() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return the ID of this curve.
getId() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Return ID of this plug.
getId() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Return get well test ID.
getId() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return ID of this WITSML log.
getImage() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisImageRecord
Return the image description of this record.
getIndexCurve() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscFile
Return the index curve of this ASC file.
getIndexCurve() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFrame
Return the index curve of this frame.
getIndexCurve() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return the index curve of this log.
getIndexCurve() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFile
Return the index curve of this LIS file.
getIndexCurve() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return the index curve of this log.
getIndexCurveName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFrame
Return name of the index curve.
getIndexStep() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFrame
Return the index step.
getIndexType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFrame
Return index type of this frame.
getIndexType(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the index type of the specified DLIS file.
getIndexType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return index type of this WITSML log.
getIndexUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFrame
Return the unit of the index curve.
getIndexValueType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return value type of the index of this log, typically Double.class or Date.class.
getInputMessage() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisOperatorCommandInputsRecord
Return the input message of this record.
getInputMessage() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisOperatorResponseInputsRecord
Return the input message of this record.
getInstance() - Static method in enum no.petroware.logio.json.JsonValidator
Return the sole instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in enum no.petroware.logio.spwla.Spwla
Return sole instance of this class.
getInterpretationDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get interpretation date of this survey.
getInterpretationMethod() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get interpretation method of this survey.
getInterpreterName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return interpreter name of this curve.
getInterval(AscFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscUtil
Return index interval from the specified ASC file.
getInterval(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the logging interval for the specified DLIS file.
getInterval(LasFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasUtil
Get logging interval of the specified LAS file.
getIntervals() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Get interval specifications associated with this core.
getKellyBushingElevation() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the kelly bushing elevation of this well header.
getKey() - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.json.JsonWellLogProperty
Return key of this property.
getLabel() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisComponent
Return label of this component.
getLastAccessTime() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return last access time.
getLastWriteRoutine() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return last writing routine (name and version) of this header.
getLatitude(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the latitude coordinate of the well of the specified DLIS file.
getLatitude() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Get latitude.
getLatitude() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the latitude of this well header.
getLength() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.ASCII
Return the length of the string value of this instance.
getLength() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.IDENT
Return the length of the string value of this instance.
getLength() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.UNITS
Return the length of the string value of this instance.
getLength() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisComponent
Return component length in bytes.
getLength() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Return length of plug.
getLengthUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Return length unit.
getLevel() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonValidator.Message
Return the severity level of this message.
getLevelSpacing() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurve
Return level spacing of this curve.
getLevelSpacing() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return level spacing of curve.
getLineNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonValidator.Message
Return stream line number of this message.
getLines() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaFile
Return the lines of the raw file.
getLinkDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisProgramOverlayHeaderRecord
Return link date of this LIS record.
getLisCurveName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return LIS curve mnemonic of this header.
getLoad() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisProgramOverlayLoadRecord
Return the load of this record.
getLoadAddress() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisProgramOverlayHeaderRecord
Return load address for the program of this LIS record.
getLoader() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisBootstrapLoaderRecord
Return the loader program of this record.
getLoaderBoot() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisKernelLoaderBootRecord
Return loader boot this kernel loader boot.
getLoadSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisProgramOverlayHeaderRecord
Return load size of the program of this LIS record.
getLocation(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the location of the field of the specified DLIS file.
getLogAnalysisCenter() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the log analysis center number of this well header.
getLoggedIntervalBottom_() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return bottom of logged interval.
getLoggedIntervalTop() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return top of logged interval.
getLoggingDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return date well was logged.
getLoggingDirection() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the logging direction of this OSDU well log.
getLoggingDirection() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return logging direction of this header.
getLoggingMeasuredFrom(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the "logging measured from" of the specified DLIS file.
getLoggingMeasuredFrom() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return logging measured from (reference).
getLoggingService() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the logging service of this OSDU well log.
getLoggingUnitLocation_() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return logging unit location.
getLoggingUnitNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return logging unit number.
getLogSet() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Return log set associated with this core.
getLogSet() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get survey data as log set.
getLogSet() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Return log set associated with this well test.
getLogSets() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaFile
Return anything that can be regarded as a log set within this SPWLA file.
getLongitude(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the longitude coordinate of the well of the specified DLIS file.
getLongitude() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Get longitude.
getLongitude() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the longitude of this well header.
getMagneticDeclination() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the magnetic declination of this well header.
getMagneticInclination() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the magnetic inclination of this well header.
getMainFamily() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return main family of this curve.
getMask() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTableDumpRecord
Return mask of this record.
getMaximumCurveVersions() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the maximum curve versions of this well header.
getMaximumRecordLength() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFileHeader
Get maximum record length of the DLIS file.
getMaxIndex() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFrame
Return the maximum index value.
getMaxSegmentLength() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileHeaderRecord
Return maximum segment length for the file.
getMaxSegmentLength() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileTrailerRecord
Return maximum segment length for the file.
getMaxTemperature() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return maximum recorded temperature.
getMaxValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.common.Statistics
Return maximum observed value.
getMaxValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return curve maximum value.
getMd(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return MD (measured depth) of the specified DLIS file.
getMd(LasFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasUtil
Return MD (measured depth) of the specified LAS file.
getMean() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.common.Statistics
Return mean (average) value of the (actual) observations.
getMeasureOffset() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return offset for original data measured to tool reference point.
getMedian() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.common.Statistics
Return the 50% percentile (median) of the (actual) observations.
getMessage() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonValidator.Message
Return the text of this message.
getMessage() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasMessage
Get text of this message.
getMessages() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasFileReader
Return messages related to the previous LAS file read operation.
getMetaData(String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscFile
Return value of the specified meta data key.
getMetaDataKeys() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscFile
Return the meta data keys of this ASC file.
getMethod() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Get coring method used.
getMetricFlag() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the metric flag of this well header.
getMinIndex() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFrame
Return the minimum index value.
getMinValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.common.Statistics
Return minimum observed value.
getMinValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return curve minimum value.
getMnemonic() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisComponent
Return component mnemonic.
getMnemonic() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return mnemonic (i.e.
getMnemonic() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return mnemonic of this curve.
getMudCakeResistivity() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return resistivity of mud cake.
getMudCakeSampleSource_() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return mud cake sample source.
getMudCakeSampleTemperature() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return mud cake sample temperature.
getMudFiltrateResistivity() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return resistivity of mud filtrate.
getMudFiltrateSampleSource_() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return Mud filtrate sample source.
getMudFiltrateSampleTemperature_() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return mud filtrate sample temperature.
getMudResistivity() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return resistivity of mud.
getMudSampleSource() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return mud sample source.
getMudSampleTemperature() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return Mud sample temperature.
getMultiValuedLogSet() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Return multi-valued log set of this plug.
getNActualValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.common.Statistics
Return number of actual observations, i.e.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscCurve
Return name of this curve.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscFile
Return the name of this file.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitCurve
Return name of this curve.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitFile
Return name of this BIT file.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisComponent
Return name of this component.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return name of this curve.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFile
Return the name of this file.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFrame
Return the name of this frame.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisSet
Return name of this set.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.OBNAME
Return the name of this instance.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonCurve
Return name of this curve.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return name of this log.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonTable
Return name of this table.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasCurve
Return name of this curve.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasFile
Return the name of this LAS file.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasParameterRecord
Return the name of this parameter record.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasSection
Return name of this section.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisCurve
Return name of this curve.
getName() - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Entry.Type
Return name of this entry type.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFile
Return name of this LIS file.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisInformationRecord
Return name of this information record.
getName() - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.lis.LisRecord.Type
Return name of this type.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the name of this OSDU well log.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCurve
Return name of this curve.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaFile
Return name of this file.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaLogSet
Return name of this log set.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlCurve
Return name of this curve.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return name of this WITSML log.
getName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurve
Return name of this curve.
getNAxes() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return number of axes for a multidimensional curve.
getNColumns() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisInformationRecord
Return number of columns of information.
getNCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscFile
Return number of curves in the ASC file.
getNCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitFile
Return the number of curves in this BIT file, including the index curve.
getNCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return number of curves in the associated BIT file.
getNCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFrame
Return number of curves in this frame.
getNCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return the number of curves in this log.
getNCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFile
Return number of curves in this LIS file.
getNCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return number of curves in this log.
getNCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaLogSet
Return number of curves of this log set.
getNCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return the number of curves in this log.
getNCurves() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFile
Return number of curves in this XTF file.
getNDimensions() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return the number of dimensions in this curve.
getNDimensions(int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return the number of dimensions along the specified axis.
getNDimensions() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonCurve
Return the number of dimensions of this curve.
getNDimensions() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasCurve
Return the number of dimensions of this curve.
getNDimensions() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisCurve
Return the number of dimensions of this curve.
getNDimensions() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return the number of dimensions of this curve.
getNDimensions() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCurve
Return number of dimensions of this curve.
getNDimensions() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlCurve
Return the number of dimensions of this curve.
getNDimensions() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurve
Return number of dimensions of this curve.
getNextFileName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileTrailerRecord
Get name of next file.
getNextReelName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelTrailerRecord
Get name of next reel.
getNextTapeName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeTrailerRecord
Get name of next tape.
getnLevels() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return number of levels for the curve.
getNNoValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.common.Statistics
Return number of no-values (NaN or Infinity) observed.
getNoValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasFile
Get the string that defines no-value for this LAS file when the file is written to disk.
getNoValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord
Get no-value.
getNRows() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisInformationRecord
Return number of rows of information.
getNSamples() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisCurve
Return number of samples per depth for this curve.
getNSamples() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return number of samples per depth of this datum.
getNTools() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return number of tools.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscCurve
Return the number of values in this curve.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscFile
Return number of values in the curves of this ASC file.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitCurve
Return number of values in this curve.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitFile
Return the number of values in each curve of this BIT file.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.common.Statistics
Return total number of observations.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisComponent
Return number of values of this component.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return the number of values (per dimension) in this curve.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFrame
Return the number of values (per curve) in this frame.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonCurve
Return the number of values in this curve.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return the number of values (per curve) in this log.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasCurve
Return number of values in this curve.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisCurve
Return the number of values in this curve.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return number of values in (each curve of) this log.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return the number of values in this curve.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCurve
Return the number of values in this curve.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaLogSet
Return number of values in the curves of this log set.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlCurve
Return the number of values in this curve.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return the number of values in the curves of this log.
getNValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurve
Return number of values in this curve.
getObjectName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisComponent
Return object name of this component.
getObjects() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisSet
Return the objects of this set.
getObjects() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonTable
Return the objects (i.e. rows) of this table.
getOperatingCompany() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Get company.
getOperationalControlTable() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the operational control table name of this well header.
getOperator() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return operator name of this log.
getOrientationReference() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return orientation reference of this header.
getOrientationType1() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return orientation type 1.
getOrientationType2() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return orientation type 2.
getOrigin() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.OBNAME
Return the origin of this instance.
getOrigin() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelHeaderRecord
Get origin of this record.
getOrigin() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelTrailerRecord
Get origin of this record.
getOrigin() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeHeaderRecord
Get origin of this record.
getOrigin() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeTrailerRecord
Get origin of this record.
getOutputMessage() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisSystemOutputsToOperatorRecord
Return the output message of this record.
getPackerDepth() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Return packer depth of this well test.
getPanelSerialNumber1() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return panel serial number 1.
getPanelSerialNumber2() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return panel serial number 2.
getParameterRecords() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasSection
Get all the parameter records of this section.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasFile
Return the value of the specified parameter.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasSection
Get value of a specific parameter of this section.
getParameterValueAsDate(LasSection, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasFile
Return the specified parameter in the given section as a date.
getParameterValueAsDouble(LasSection, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasFile
Return the value of the specified parameter as a double.
getPass() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return pass of this WITSML log.
getPassNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the pass number of this OSDU well log.
getPercentile25() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.common.Statistics
Return the 25% percentile of the (actual) observations.
getPercentile75() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.common.Statistics
Return the 75% percentile of the (actual) observations.
getPerforatingMethod() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTestInterval
Get perforating method of this well test interval.
getPermanentDatum(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the permanent datum of the specified DLIS file.
getPermanentDatum() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the permanent datum ("gl" or "sl") of this well header.
getPermanentDatumElevation() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the elevation of permanent datum of this well header.
getPhaseName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisProgramOverlayHeaderRecord
Return phase name of this LIS record.
getPhasing() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTestInterval
Get phasing of this well test interval.
getPicture() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisPictureRecord
Return the picture description of this record.
getPlottedBy() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return plotted by.
getPlugs() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Return all plugs of this core.
getPressureUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return unit for pressure measurements.
getPreviousFileName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileHeaderRecord
Get name of previous file.
getPreviousReelName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelHeaderRecord
Get name of previous reel.
getPreviousTapeName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeHeaderRecord
Get name of previous tape.
getPrimaryLevelIndexingUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return unit of primary level indexing of this header.
getProcessIndicators() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Get process indicators of this datum.
getProcessLevel() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return process level of this datum.
getProducerName(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the producer (company) of the specified DLIS file.
getPrognosedBottomHoleBearing() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get prognosed bottom hole location.
getPrognosedBottomHoleOffset() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get prognosed bottom hole location.
getProgramName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisProgramOverlayHeaderRecord
Return program name of this LIS record.
getProjection(String) - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.spwla.Spwla
Get projection name from associated ID.
getProjection() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellSurvey
Get projection name.
getProperties() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return all the header property keys of this log.
getProperty(String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return header property for the specified key.
getPropertyAsBoolean(String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return header property for the specified key as a boolean.
getPropertyAsDate(String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return header property for the specified key as date.
getPropertyAsDouble(String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return header property for the specified key as a double.
getPropertyAsInteger(String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return header property for the specified key as an integer.
getPropertyAsString(String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return header property for the specified key as a string.
getQuality() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return quality of this curve.
getQuantity() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscCurve
Get quantity of this curve.
getQuantity() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitCurve
Return quantity of this curve.
getQuantity() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonCurve
Return quantity of the data of this curve.
getQuantity() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlCurve
Return quantity of the data of this curve.
getRange() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscCurve
Return range (i.e min and max) of this curve.
getRange() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitCurve
Return the range (i.e. the min and max value) of this curve.
getRange() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return the range (i.e the min and max value) of this curve.
getRange() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonCurve
Return the range (i.e. the min and max value) of this curve.
getRange() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasCurve
Return range (i.e min and max) of this curve.
getRange() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisCurve
Return the range (i.e the min and max value) of this curve.
getRange() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return the range (i.e. the min and max value) of this curve.
getRange() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCurve
Return range (i.e. min and max) of this curve.
getRange() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlCurve
Return the range (i.e. the min and max value) of this curve.
getRange() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurve
Return the range (i.e the min and max value) of this curve.
getRange() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return ramge the of this well header.
getRawTapeHeader() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return raw tape header information.
getRawTapeHeaderMnemonics() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return raw tape header mnemonics of this header.
getReceiverIds() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return receiver IDs.
getReceiverToReceiverDistance() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return receiver to receiver distance in curve units.
getRecords() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasSection
Return all (non-data) records of this section.
getRecords() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFile
Return the (non-data) records of this LIS file.
getRecovered() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Return percentage of core recovered.
getReelName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelHeaderRecord
Get reel name of this record.
getReelName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelTrailerRecord
Get reel name of this record.
getReelNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelHeaderRecord
Get reel number of this record.
getReelNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelTrailerRecord
Get reel number of this record.
getReferenceNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return the well reference number.
getRemarks() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the remarks of this OSDU well log.
getRepresentationCode() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return the DLIS representation code for the data of this curve.
getRepresentationCode() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisComponent
Return representation code of the values of this component.
getRepresentationCode() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisCurve
Return the LIS representation code for the data of this curve.
getRepresentationCode() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return data type for the values of this datum.
getRepresentationCode() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Entry
Return presentation code of this entry.
getRigEasting() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellSurvey
Get rig/platform reference point easting.
getRigName(AscFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscUtil
Return rig name from the specified ASC file.
getRigName(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the rig name of the specified DLIS file.
getRigName(LasFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasUtil
Return rig name of the specified LAS file.
getRigName(LisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisUtil
Return rig name of the specified LIS file.
getRigNorthing() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellSurvey
Get rig/platform reference point northing.
getRigReference() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellSurvey
Get rig/platform reference point, description.
getRmResistivityAtBht_() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return resistivity of RM at BHT.
getRowSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord
Return the exact size (in bytes) of a file representation of one row for the data of the LIS file.
getRun() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the run of this OSDU well log.
getRunNumber(AscFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscUtil
Return run number from the specified ASC file.
getRunNumber(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return run number of the specified DLIS file.
getRunNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return run number of this log.
getRunNumber(LasFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasUtil
Return run number of the specified LAS file.
getRunNumber(LisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisUtil
Return run number of the specified LIS file.
getRunNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return run number of this WITSML log.
getRunNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return run number.
getSampleInterval(LisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisUtil
Return the sample interval for the specified LIS file.
getSamplingDomainType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the sampling domain type of this OSDU well log.
getSamplingInterval() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the sampling interval of this OSDU well log.
getSamplingStart() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the sampling start of this OSDU well log.
getSamplingStop() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the sampling stop of this OSDU well log.
getSchemaUrl() - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogVersion
Return URL of the JSON schema for this version.
getSecondaryLevelIndexBottom() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return bottom of secondary level index.
getSecondaryLevelIndexingUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return unit of secondary level index of this header.
getSecondaryLevelIndexSpacing() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return secondary level index spacing.
getSecondaryLevelIndexTop() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return Top of secondary level index.
getSection() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the section of this well header.
getSections() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasFile
Return all the sections of this LAS file.
getSensorAngle() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return angle between the reference arm and the arm containing the button (sensor).
getSequenceNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFileHeader
Get sequence number of the DLIS file.
getSequenceNumber(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the sequence number (i.e order of sub files within a disk file) of this DLIS file.
getSequenceNumber() - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.las.LasVersion
Return the version sequence number which makes it possible to properly compare versions.
getServiceCompany(AscFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscUtil
Return service company from the specified ASC file.
getServiceCompany() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return service company name of this log.
getServiceCompany(LasFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasUtil
Return service company name of the specified LAS file.
getServiceCompany(LisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisUtil
Return service company of the specified LIS file.
getServiceCompany() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the service company of this OSDU well log.
getServiceCompany() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return service company of this WITSML log.
getServiceCompany() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return service company ("ATLAS", etc) of this header.
getServiceHeaders() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFile
Return service headers of this XTF file.
getServiceId() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return service ID of this datum.
getServiceId() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileHeaderRecord
Return service ID of this record.
getServiceId() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileTrailerRecord
Return service ID.
getServiceName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelHeaderRecord
Return service name of this record.
getServiceName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelTrailerRecord
Return service name of this record.
getServiceName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeHeaderRecord
Return service name of this record.
getServiceName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeTrailerRecord
Return service name of this record.
getServiceName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return service name.
getServiceNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return service number of the logging operation.
getServiceOrderNo() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return service order number of this datum.
getServiceOrderNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return service order number.
getSetNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return set number of the log.
getSets() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFile
Return the sets of this DLIS file.
getSeverity() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasMessage
Get severity of this message.
getShotDensity() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTestInterval
Get shot density of this well test interval.
getSignature() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the "WSI" signature to indicate a valid well site information record.
getSingleValuedLogSet() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Return single-valued log set of this plug.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonCurve
Return the size (number of bytes) of the values of this curve when stored in binary format.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisAlternateDataRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisBlankRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisBootstrapLoaderRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisCommentRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisComponent
Return component value size in bytes.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Entry
Return total size (in bytes) of the datum as it appears on disk.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisEncryptedTableRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileHeaderRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileTrailerRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisImageRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisInformationRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisKernelLoaderBootRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisLogicalBotRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisLogicalEofRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisLogicalEomRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisLogicalEotRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisOperatorCommandInputsRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisOperatorResponseInputsRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisPictureRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisProgramOverlayHeaderRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisProgramOverlayLoadRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelHeaderRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisReelTrailerRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize(int) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisRepresentationCode
Return size in bytes of an entry of the specified representation code.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisSoftwareBootRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisSystemOutputsToOperatorRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTableDumpRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeHeaderRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeTrailerRecord
Return size (in bytes) of this record.
getSource() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return the source (system or process) of this log.
getSource() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasMessage
Get source of this message.
getSource() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the source of this OSDU well log.
getSpheroid(String) - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.spwla.Spwla
Get spheroid name from associated ID.
getSpheroid() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellSurvey
Get spheroid name.
getSpwlaVersion() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Return SPWLA version.
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.common.Statistics
Return the standard deviation of the (actual) observations.
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return standard deviation.
getStartAddress() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisSoftwareBootRecord
Return the start address of the boot program.
getStartDate(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return start date of operation of the specified DLIS file.
getStartDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Return well test start date.
getStartDepth() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return the starting depth of the first data sample.
getStartIndex() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return start index of this log.
getStartTime() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the logging start time of this OSDU well log.
getStartTime() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return start time.
getStartTimeUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return start time units (such as array acoustic curves which may have a fixed or variable start time) of this header.
getState() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the state of this well header.
getStationaryDepthUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return units of stationary depth of this header.
getStationarySurveyDepth() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return stationary survey depth.
getStatistics() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitCurve
Return curve statistics.
getStatistics() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return curve statistics.
getStatistics() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonCurve
Return curve statistics.
getStatistics() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasCurve
Return curve statistics.
getStatistics() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisCurve
Return curve statistics.
getStatistics() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return curve statistics.
getStatistics() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlCurve
Return curve statistics.
getStep(AscFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscUtil
Return sample step from the specified ASC file..
getStep() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return spacing between sample points in the file.
getStep() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return the regular step of this log.
getStep(LasFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasUtil
Get logging step of the specified LAS file.
getStorageUnitIdentifier() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFileHeader
Get storage unit identifier of the DLIS file.
getStorageUnitStructure() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFileHeader
Get storage unit structure of the DLIS file.
getStreamOffset() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonValidator.Message
Return stream offset of this message.
getSubSample() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFile
Find the smallest possible sub sample number for the curves of this LIS file.
getSum() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.common.Statistics
Return the sum of the (actual) observations.
getSumpBottom() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Return sump bottom of this well test.
getSurveyDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get date of this survey.
getSurveys() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellSurvey
Return the surveys of this well survey.
getSurvlibVersion() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return SURVLIB version.
getSurvlibVersion() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFileHeader
Return the SURVLIB version number.
getSystemCode() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFileHeader
Return the code of the originating system.
getTable(String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return property table of the specified name.
getTables() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return all property tables from the header.
getTableSize() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTableDumpRecord
Return table size of this record.
getTableType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTableDumpRecord
Return table type of this record.
getTag() - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog.IndexType
Return tag of this index type.
getTapeDestination() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Get the destination of the SPWLA tape.
getTapeGenerationDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisProgramOverlayHeaderRecord
Return tape generation date of this LIS record.
getTapeGenerationDate() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Get tape generation date.
getTapeId() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Get the SPWLA tape ID.
getTapeName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeHeaderRecord
Get tape name of this record.
getTapeName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeTrailerRecord
Get tape name of this record.
getTapeNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeHeaderRecord
Get tape number of this record.
getTapeNumber() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisTapeTrailerRecord
Get tape number of this record.
getTapeSerialNumber1() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return tape serial number 1.
getTapeSerialNumber2() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return Tape serial number 2.
getTapeSource() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Get the source of the SPWLA tape.
getTemperatureUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return unit for temperature measurements.
getTensionUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return unit for tension measurements.
getTestIntervals() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Return the intervals of this well test.
getTestName(String) - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.spwla.Spwla
Get test description from associated test ID.
getTestName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCurve
Return name of the test that has been performed.
getText() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Return all texts associated with this core as one compound element.
getText() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaGaugeData
Return gauge text.
getText() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Return all texts associated with this plug as one compound element.
getText() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Return all texts associated with this survey as one compound element.
getText() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Return all texts associated with this well header as one compound element.
getText() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Return all texts associated with this plug as one compound element.
getText() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTestInterval
Return all texts associated with this well test interval as one compound element.
getTexts() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Get all texts associated with this core.
getTexts() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Get all texts associated with this plug.
getTexts() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get all texts associated with this survey.
getTexts() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Get all texts associated with this well header.
getTexts() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Get all texts associated with this plug.
getTexts() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTestInterval
Get all texts associated with this well test interval.
getTieInDepth() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get survey tie-in point, depth.
getTieInEasting() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get survey tie-in point, easting.
getTieInNorthing() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get survey tie-in point, northing.
getTime() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return the time that the recording began.
getTime() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return time of this curve.
getTimeFormat() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasParameterRecord
Return time format for the values of this parameter record.
getTimeIncrement() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return time increment for time-based curves.
getTimeIncrementUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return time increment unit for waveform curves (units of time between samples) of this header.
getTimeSinceCirculation() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return time since circulation.
getTools() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return tool names of this header.
getToolSerialNumber1() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return tool serial number 1.
getToolSerialNumber2_() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return tool serial number 2.
getToolStringDescription() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the tool string description of this OSDU well log.
getToolType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return tool type ("ARRAY", etc) of this header.
getTop() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Return depth for top of core.
getTop() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCoreInterval
Return top depth of core interval.
getTop() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Return depth for top of plug interval.
getTop() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTestInterval
Get top depth of this well test interval.
getTopDepth() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return top depth of this curve.
getTopDepth() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurve
Return depth value associated with the first value of this curve.
getTopDepth() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return top depth of curve.
getTopInterval() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Return depth for top of cored interval.
getTopMd() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the top MD of this OSDU well log.
getTownship() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the township of this well header.
getTransferAddress() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisProgramOverlayHeaderRecord
Return transfer address of the program of this LIS record.
getTransmitterIds() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return Transmitter IDs.
getTransmitterToReceiverDistance() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return transmitter to receiver distance in curve units.
getTreatment() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCore
Get core treatment method used.
getTubingDiameter() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Return tubing diameter.
getType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisComponent
Return type of this component.
getType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisSet
Return the type of this set.
getType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasRecord
Return type of this LAS record.
getType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasSection
Return type of this section.
getType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisComponent
Return component type.
getType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return type of this datum.
getType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Entry
Return entry type.
getType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisRecord
Return type of this record.
getType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the type of this OSDU well log.
getType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return type of this curve.
getType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCoreInterval
Return core interval type.
getType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaPlug
Return type of this plug.
getType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaSurvey
Get type of this survey.
getType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Return test type (production, injection, etc.).
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscCurve
Return unit of the values of this curve.
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitCurve
Return unit of measurement for the values of this curve.
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisComponent
Return unit of this component.
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return unit of measure of the values of this curve.
getUnit(String, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFile
Return unit for the specified meta-data attribute of the specified object.
getUnit(String, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisSet
Return the unit for the values of the given attribute of the specified object.
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonCurve
Return unit of measure of the data of this curve.
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasCurve
Return unit of measurement for the values of this curve.
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasParameterRecord
Return the unit of this parameter record.
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisComponent
Return unit of measure for the values of this component.
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisCurve
Return unit of measure of the data of this curve.
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Datum
Return unit of this datum.
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return unit of measure of the data of this curve.
getUnit(String) - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.spwla.Spwla
Get units symbol from associated ID.
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCurve
Return unit of this curve.
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTestInterval
Return unit of this well test interval as per foot (1/ft) or per meter (1/m).
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlCurve
Return unit of measure of the data of this curve.
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurve
Return unit of measure of this curve.
getUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return Curve unit mnemonic of this header.
getUpDownFlag() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord
Get up/down flag.
getValue(int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscCurve
Return curve value of the specified index.
getValue(int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitCurve
Return value at the specified index.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisComponent
Return the first value of this component.
getValue(int, int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return a specific value from the given dimension of this curve.
getValue(int[], int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return a specific value within the specified axis position at the given index of this curve.
getValue(int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return a specific value from this curve.
getValue(String, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFile
Return values for the specified attribute of the specified object.
getValue(DlisComponent, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisSet
Return a single value for the given attribute of the specified object.
getValue(String, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisSet
Return a single value for the given attribute of the specified object.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.ASCII
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.ATTREF
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.BINARY
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.CDOUBL
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.CSINGL
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.DRATIO
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.DTIME
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.FDOUB1
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.FDOUB2
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.FDOUBL
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.FRATIO
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.FSHORT
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.FSING1
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.FSING2
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.FSINGL
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.IDENT
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.IRLONG
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.IRNORM
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.ISINGL
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.ISLONG
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.ISNORM
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.IULONG
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.IUNORM
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.LOGICL
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.OBJREF
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.OBNAME
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.ORIGIN
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.RLONG
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.RNORM
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.SLONG
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.SNORM
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.SSHORT
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.STATUS
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.TASCII
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.TIDENT
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.TUNORM
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.ULONG
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.UNITS
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.UNORM
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.USHORT
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.UVARI
Return the value of this instance.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType.VSINGL
Return the value of this instance.
getValue(int, int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonCurve
Return a specific value from the given dimension of this curve.
getValue(int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonCurve
Return a specific value from this curve.
getValue(String, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonTable
Return (first) value of the specified object for the given attribute.
getValue(int, int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasCurve
Return curve value of the specified index.
getValue(int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasCurve
Return curve value of the specified index.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasParameterRecord
Return the value of this parameter record.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisComponent
Convenience method to get the first value if the client knows that there are at most one.
getValue(int, int, int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisCurve
Return a specific value from the given dimension of this curve.
getValue(int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisCurve
Return a specific value from this curve.
getValue() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Entry
Return the first value of this entry.
getValue(int, int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return a specific value from the given dimension of this curve.
getValue(int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return a specific value from this curve.
getValue(int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCurve
Return curve value of the specified index.
getValue(int, int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlCurve
Return a specific value from the given dimension of this curve.
getValue(int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlCurve
Return a specific value from this curve.
getValue(int, int) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurve
Return value at the specified index.
getValue(String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellVariables
Get value of the specified variable.
getValue(String, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfZones
Get the value for the specified variable of the given zone.
getValueComponent(String, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFile
Return the value component (i.e the instance holding the values and specifying the unit etc) for the given attribute of the specified object.
getValueComponent(DlisComponent, DlisComponent) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisSet
Return the value component of the specified attribute for the given object.
getValueComponent(DlisComponent, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisSet
Return the value component of the specified attribute for the given object.
getValueComponent(String, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisSet
Return the value component of the specified attribute for the given object.
getValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscCurve
Return the values of this curve.
getValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisComponent
Return the values of this component.
getValues(String, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisFile
Return values for the specified attribute of the specified object.
getValues(DlisComponent) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisSet
Get all the value components for the specified object in the order the attributes are defined in the set.
getValues(DlisComponent, DlisComponent) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisSet
Return the list of values for the given attribute of the specified object.
getValues(DlisComponent, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisSet
Return the list of values for the given attribute of the specified object.
getValues(String, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisSet
Return the list of values for the given attribute of the specified object.
getValues(String, String) - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonTable
Return the values of the specified object for the given attribute.
getValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisComponent
Return the value(s) of this component.
getValues() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisDataFormatSpecificationRecord.Entry
Return the values of this entry.
getValueType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscCurve
Return value type of this curve.
getValueType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitCurve
Return type of the values of this curve.
getValueType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisCurve
Return value type (i.e Java class) of the curve values, typically Double.class, Integer.class, Date.class etc.
getValueType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisType
Return the Java type of the value of this instance.
getValueType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonCurve
Return the value type for the data of this curve, typically Double.class, Integer.class, String.class, etc.
getValueType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasCurve
Return data type of the values of this curve.
getValueType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasParameterRecord
Return data type of values of this parameter record.
getValueType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisCurve
Return value type (i.e.
getValueType(int) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisRepresentationCode
Return the value type (i.e.
getValueType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return the value type for the data of this curve, typically Double.class, Integer.class, String.class, etc.
getValueType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaCurve
Return data type of the values of this curve.
getValueType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlCurve
Return the value type for the data of this curve, typically Double.class, Integer.class, String.class, etc.
getValueType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurve
Return type of the values of this curve.
getVariables() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellVariables
Return all the variables of this instance.
getVariables() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfZones
Return a list of the variables defined for each zone.
getVariance() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.common.Statistics
Return the variance of the (actual) observations.
getVersion() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasFile
Return the version of this LAS file.
getVersion() - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.las.LasVersion
Return the version text of this version.
getVersion() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisProgramOverlayHeaderRecord
Return program version of this LIS record.
getVersion() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the version of this OSDU well log.
getVersion() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogCurve
Return version of this curve.
getVersion() - Method in enum no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLogVersion
Return exact version of this instance as a string.
getVersionNo() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileHeaderRecord
Get software version number of this record.
getVersionNo() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisFileTrailerRecord
Get software version number.
getVerticalIndexingType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfCurveHeader
Return vertical indexing type.
getVerticalMeasurement() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the vertical measurement of this OSDU well log.
getVolumeUnit() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return unit for volume measurements.
getWell() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return well name of this log.
getWellbore() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.json.JsonLog
Return wellbore name of this log.
getWellbore() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the wellbore of this OSDU well log.
getWellboreFluidType() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the wellbore fluid type of this OSDU well log.
getWellboreId() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return ID of the wellbore of this WITSML log.
getWellboreName(AscFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscUtil
Return wellbore name from the specified ASC file.
getWellboreName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return wellbore name of this WITSML log.
getWellEasting() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellSurvey
Get well reference, easting.
getWellHeader() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaFile
Return well header of this file.
getWellHeader() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFile
Return the well header record of this XTF file.
getWellId() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Return well ID.
getWellId() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return ID of the well of this WITSML log.
getWellLocation() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the well location of this well header.
getWellName(AscFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.asc.AscUtil
Return well name from the specified ASC file.
getWellName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.bit.BitGeneralHeadingRecord
Return well name and number (as per customer).
getWellName(DlisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.dlis.DlisUtil
Return the well name of the specified DLIS file.
getWellName(LasFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasUtil
Return well name of the specified LAS file.
getWellName(LisFile) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.lis.LisUtil
Return well name of the specified LIS file.
getWellName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellHeader
Get well name.
getWellName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.witsml.WitsmlLog
Return well name of this WITSML log.
getWellName() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the well name of this well header.
getWellNorthing() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellSurvey
Get well reference, northing.
getWellRadius() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellTest
Return well radius.
getWellReference() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaWellSurvey
Get well reference, description.
getWellsiteElevationUnits() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfWellHeader
Return the well site elevation units of this well header.
getWellSurveys() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaFile
Return the well surveys of this file.
getWellTests() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.spwla.SpwlaFile
Return the well tests of this file.
getWellVariables() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFile
Return well variables of this XTF file.
getWitnesses() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfServiceHeader
Return witness's name.
getZeroTime() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.osdu.OsduWellLog
Return the zero time of this OSDU well log.
getZones() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfFile
Return zones of this XTF file.
getZones() - Method in class no.petroware.logio.xtf.XtfZones
Return a list of all the zones in this instance.
guessEncoding(File) - Static method in class no.petroware.logio.las.LasFileReader
Guess text encoding of the specified file.
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